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Product Name: HA1(A/Switzerland/8060/2017(H3N2))
Cat No.: IT-003-00435p
Source: Recombinant protein purified from 293 cell culture
Formulation: Each vial contains 100 µg of purified protein (1 mg/ml) in PBS.
Product Type: Purified Protein
Protein: HA1(A/Switzerland/8060/2017(H3N2)) (aa 17-345; GISAID# EPI1266285) with 6xHis tagged at C-terminus.
Applications: WB standard, antibody ELISA, Functional analysis, etc
Specificity: ≥95%
产品订购电话:0512-63172736规格:    价格:¥30,390.00
说明书下载: 1


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