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货号 产品名称 产品类型 应用实验 规格 价格
IT-E3Ag-HIVgp120A-MAB HIV-1 gp120 Clade A ELISA Development Kit ELISA Kit For the quantitative analysis of gp120 (HIV-1/Clade A) concentrations in cell culture supernatants and serum. ¥4,490.00
IT-E3Ag-HIVgp120C-MAB HIV-1 gp120 Clade C ELISA Development Kit ELISA Kit For the quantitative analysis of gp120 (HIV-1/Clade C) concentrations in cell culture supernatants and serum. ¥4,490.00
IT-E3Ag-HIVgp41CN54-MAB gp41(HIV-1/Clade B/C(CN54)) ELISA Development Kit ELISA Kit For the quantitative analysis of gp41(HIV-1/Clade B/C(CN54)) concentrations in cell culture supernatants and serum. ¥4,490.00
IT-E3Ag-HIVgp120B HIV-1 gp120 Clade B ELISA Development Kit ELISA Kit For the quantitative analysis of gp120 (HIV-1/Clade B) concentrations in cell culture supernates and serum. ¥4,490.00
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